Dreams About Tornadoes

10 Common Dreams About Tornadoes Explained

What Does Having Dreams About Tornadoes Mean?

We all dream, even those people who claim they don’t. They just forget what they dreamt about. Boring dreams are easily forgotten, but exciting dreams are likely to stay stuck in your memory. Exciting dreams like those about tornadoes.

If you have dreams about tornadoes, you’re probably very eager to find out where they’re coming from. Same as any other dream, tornado dreams can also have different meanings. It all depends on what’s currently going on in your life.

Your subconscious mind might be using tornadoes as a symbol for something else. There are some clues that can shed light on what your mind is trying to tell you. Let’s explore in this article what it means when you’re having Tornado dreams!

What Do Tornado Dreams Mean? What Dreams About Tornadoes May Be Saying

In order to figure out your tornado dream meaning, first, you need to do your best and try to remember as many details about the dream as possible. The reason is simple – different dreams have different meanings.

Tornado Dream

For example, you may dream about getting caught in a tornado, or you can dream of watching it from a safe distance.

So, the best way to help you out is to discuss some of the most common tornado dreams, which we’ve curated here in a list.

The 10 Most Common Dreams About Tornadoes (and what they mean)

Let’s go through the list of the 10 most common dreams about tornadoes and discuss what they might mean.

Meaning of Dreams About Tornadoes

Dream About Getting Caught in a Tornado

If you had a dream about getting caught in a raging tornado, it may mean that you’re having problems to control your emotions. A tornado, in this case, can be a symbol of anger, disappointment, or some other negative emotion.

Dream That a Tornado is Approaching

If you dreamt about a tornado that was getting closer and closer, it may mean that your subconscious mind is worried about something. Perhaps there’s a big event coming up that could make a big change in your life. You may be concerned about a work-related issue, something related to your friends and family, and so on.

Dream That You’re Trying to Get Away from a Tornado

If a tornado is chasing you in your dream, it may mean that you’re at a point in life when you’re trying to solve some major issues. For instance, there might be something wrong going on at your work, which is constantly keeping your mind occupied, even when you’re deep asleep.

Dream That You’ve Survived a Tornado

This dream might have come as a consequence of some turmoil that you recently had in your life. Maybe there was a big problem at your work that you’ve successfully handled, but it still haunts you in your dreams.

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Dream That You’re Watching a Tornado from a Safe Place

Sometimes this kind of dream means that you feel threatened by someone. There might be some person in your life who has the potential to cause you some unpleasantness. For instance, that person can be a new coworker who could take over your role in the company.

Dream That You’re Lifted High in the Sky by a Tornado

Even though it seems scary, this dream might signify something good – you might be close to starting a new romantic relationship, something which always feels like a tornado lifting you high. Unfortunately, this dream could also mean just the opposite. You might be sensing that your romantic relationship is about to come to an end.

Dream that A tornado has Destroyed your Home

Here’s another scary dream that can, in some cases, mean something good. If you dream about a tornado destroying your home, it can mean that your subconscious mind is telling you that you need to make a big change in your life. Basically, you need to start from scratch!

Dreaming of Multiple Tornadoes

Dreams about multiple tornadoes usually signify volatile social relationships. It can mean good things, like starting a new passionate relationship. Or, it can mean that you had (or going to have) a big argument with someone you care about.

Dreaming of Trying to Catch a Tornado

If you’re chasing a tornado in your dream, it may mean that you’re trying to get someone to respect you. Or, exactly the opposite. There might be someone who’s trying too hard to impress you, which your subconscious mind is interpreting as something pretty annoying.

What if You’re Killed by a Tornado in your Dream?

This dream is pretty scary and it can mean that deep down in your mind you’re seriously concerned about your physical or emotional state. If you’re in a period in life where you’re not feeling happy, this dream might be a warning sign that you need to change something ASAP.

Of course, sometimes when you dream about tornado, it’s because you were thinking about them lately. If you live in an area that’s often hit by tornadoes, such as Tornado Alley, it’s only normal to have them in your dreams. Or, maybe you just watched The Wizard of Oz lately. But, if your tornado dream is recurring, it’s a whole different story…

Are you Having Recurring Dreams About Tornadoes?

“What do tornado dreams mean?” – This is the question that’s been puzzling psychoanalysts for decades. Such dreams are particularly interesting if they keep on coming back. Based on Carl Jung’s theory of dreams, all recurring dreams are signs of unresolved issues.

What this basically means is that you’ve suppressed an emotional issue deep in your mind and now your subconscious is trying to bring it back to the surface in the form of a dream. Unfortunately, these dreams can be quite scary. They can wake you up in the middle of the night and ruin your sleep, so it’s very important to deal with the issue that’s causing them.

What do Tornado Dreams Mean?

That said, you need to give it a thought and try to find the exact reason that’s been causing these dreams to appear. It’s essential to realize that even if you’re trying your best to avoid thinking about unpleasant things, your subconscious mind will not let them go away.

Instead of running away from your emotional issues, most experts suggest that the solution is to face them bravely. And once you’ve dealt with the root of the problem, tornado dreams won’t ever come back to haunt you.

Final Thoughts on What Does Having Dreams About Tornadoes Mean?

A good stoic like myself can tell you that from personal experience, dreams about Tornadoes indicate the your subconscious is telling you to ATTACK and to face your problems head on for how they are right in front of you. No matter how arduous and difficult or how long it may take. Thanks again for reading and remember to subscribe!




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